Monday, March 22, 2010

World Water Day

Hi I'm Ellie the Eco Fairy.

Yesterday 22 March was World Water Day.

World Water Day was established by the United Nations in 1993 to promote clean water and sustainable water habitats.

In 2010 the theme is Clean Water for a Healthy World.

Some people think there should be a World Water Week as there are so many problems to be solved. Like countries that have no clean water, plastic pollution of the ocean and the bottled water problem.

The Story of Bottled Water helps explain why bottled water is such a big problem. Over 2.7 million tons of plastic are used to make water bottles every year. Bottled water is sold as a better tasting and healthier drink but it isn't actually any different to water from the tap.

Can you help me save water?

Here are 5 easy things you can do

1. Reduce your shower from 7 minutes (average) to 4 minutes

2. Turn off the tap whilst you brush your teeth

3. Use a bucket to collect water when it rains

4. Keep drinking water cold in the fridge instead of running the tap till its cold

5. Take your own reusable water bottle wherever you go so more plastic doesn't pollute the ocean

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